Posted by Dublin Sofa Cleaning
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When it comes to giving an aesthetic appeal to your interiors, upholstery and furniture play a vital. While they are designed to last longer for years, over time they are likely to lose their shine due to various issues like everyday use, spills, dirt, etc. This results in leaving your upholstered furniture looking worn and tired. With proper sofa cleaning and upholstery cleaning, it becomes possible to prolong the life of your upholstery and maintain its appearance. While cleaning your upholstered furniture, it is very important to keep in mind some important dos and don’ts, which we are going to discuss in this blog.
Vacuum Regularly – One of the most important things about keeping your upholstery and furniture looking shining is that you must spend time vacuuming them regularly. This helps prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt on the surface as well as prevents them from entering deep into the fibres. Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to clean the surface without damaging the fabric.
Test Cleaning Products First – When you buy products for upholstery cleaning Dublin, it is very important that you make sure to do a patch test on a small part of the furniture. It is highly suggested because not all cleaning solutions are made for various materials. You can do this by applying a small amount of the cleaner on a small patch. Allow it to sit for a few minutes, and then clean it with a clean cloth. If everything goes well, you can perform sofa cleaning with confidence.
Blot Spills Immediately – When you have a sofa and other upholstered furniture at home, you will notice that incidents like spills are very common. The only way to avoid tough stains on the fabric, it is highly suggested that you clean the spills immediately. To clean, use a clean and absorbent cloth or paper towel. Make sure to not rub the surface as this can push the liquid deeper into the fabric and spread the stain.
Use Appropriate Cleaning Methods – Along with using the right type of cleaning products, it is also very important to follow the appropriate cleaning methods during upholstery cleaning. To be sure about the cleaning method, check the care labels on the furniture to determine the recommended cleaning method.
Hire Professional Cleaners Periodically – While regular cleaning at home can be a good choice, but you must call professionals for regular upholstery cleaning Dublin as these professionals have access to highly advanced tools and methods to ensure cleaning the deep fibers of your upholstery. Make sure to call professionals for sofa cleaning every 12 to 18 months.
Don’t Use Harsh Chemicals – While cleaning upholstered furniture, many people make the same mistake of using almost any cleaner they can find online or offline. Remember that not everything you get online or offline can be the best for your furniture and upholstery. While buying, it is very important that you only choose cleaners that are made using no chemicals or bleach. While they can deliver great results, they’re very harmful to your upholstery and can damage their fibres.
Don’t Overwet the Fabric – When there is a tough stain, you might feel that leaving the surface wet for a long time will help remove the stain easily. While this can be a good choice for cleaning stains from your everyday clothes, it’s a big no when it comes to cleaning your upholstered furniture. Instead, use a damp cloth or lightly spray cleaning solutions to prevent overwetting.
Don’t Rub Stains – Another very important thing to keep in mind while cleaning your upholstered furniture is that you should never rub the stains. While it may seem a good choice to remove stains, it results in damaging the fibers of your upholstery.
So when you are going to clean the upholstery at home, make sure to follow these tips to ensure great results. Apart from this, it is also very important that you schedule professional cleaning regularly to ensure giving your upholstery the shine and life it deserves. With advanced tools and effective cleaners, these professionals can ensure the best results for giving a new life to your upholstered furniture.